A space launch base


Quick onboarding to Cloudflare. Don't miss any features and be sure everything works.
A Speedometer with max speed

Speed Surge

Do you care about performance? Get the best deployment, optimization and caching for your site.
A shield with  a check in the middel

Shield Fortress

Are you fully secure? We can review, enhance and take care of all the security settings for you.
A watchTower


Cloudflare Logs management with proactive alerting and remediation.


Launchpad is a service that makes starting with Cloudflare easy. Our experts will help you set everything up just right, so you can use Cloudflare's powerful tools quickly and smoothly. We'll work with you to understand exactly what your business needs to succeed.

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    Our team will help you set up Cloudflare from start to finish. They will make sure all the features work well for what you need.
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    Launchpad makes sure Cloudflare works smoothly with what you already have. Our team will handle the technical stuff without causing any problems. This lets you focus on your main work.
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    We want you to do well even after we finish setting things up. Launchpad gives you 2 weeks of email support after we're done. This means our experts will be there to help if you have any questions or worries.
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    Every business is unique. That's why we create a special onboarding plan just for you. We can help you with setting up DNS, configuring SSL/TLS, making your site faster, and keeping your site secure. We'll build a solution that matches your needs and goals.
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    We don't just set things up and leave. We make sure your team knows how to use Cloudflare effectively. We'll give you documents that clearly explain what we did, how we did it, and why we chose that approach.

 3  Types of Launchpad:


Kickstart your Cloudflare journey with our expertly guided onboarding service.
Launchpad is designed to get you up and running on Cloudflare quickly and smoothly. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals, ensuring a tailored onboarding experience that sets you up for success.

SSE (Secure Service Edge)

Kickstart your Cloudflare journey with our expertly guided onboarding service.
Launchpad is designed to get you up and running on Cloudflare quickly and smoothly. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals, ensuring a tailored onboarding experience that sets you up for success.


Kickstart your Cloudflare journey with our expertly guided onboarding service.
Launchpad is designed to get you up and running on Cloudflare quickly and smoothly. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals, ensuring a tailored onboarding experience that sets you up for success.

Common Use-cases

  • DNS migration from Route 53, Dyn, Network Solutions with load balancing.
  • Migration from other CDN provider like Fastly with  custom VCL (Varnish) or Akami with Custom rules.
  • Moving a e-commerce environment from a non CDN to Cloudflare.
  • Implementation of security due Cybersecurity insurance requirement.
  • Implementation and fine tunning of the security due recent breach or security incident
  • Moving to Zero Trust framework due regulation or modernization
  • Offloading some services to Cloudflare Workers
  • Modernizing your frontend integration and development


Starting at $1,999

Speed Surge

Speed Surge is a service that makes your website really fast. Our experts will fine-tune Cloudflare's settings to speed up your site as much as possible. We'll work with you to understand your website's needs and make sure it loads quickly for your visitors.

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    Our team will carefully review your website and find ways to make it faster.
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    We'll set up Cloudflare's powerful tools to speed up your website's loading time.
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    After we're done, we'll check in to make sure your website is still running fast.
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    Speed Surge will make your website fast without changing how it looks or works.
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    We'll teach you how to keep your website fast and give you helpful tips.

Common Use-cases

  • Low Time on Site because your website is slow
  • High cart abandonment rate due slowness in the checkout process
  • Poor Core Web Vitals metrics that affect to your Search Engine Ranking
  • Improve how the images are managed, processed and delivered
  • Low Cache Ratio resulting and poor performance


Starting at

from $500/month

Shield Fortress

Shield Fortress is a service that makes your website very secure. Our experts will set up Cloudflare's security features to protect your site from attacks and bad bots. We'll work with you to understand your website's security needs and create a strong defense plan.

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    Our team will carefully study your website to find any weak spots in security.
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    We'll set up Cloudflare's powerful security tools like the Web Application Firewall (WAF), Rate Limiting, and Bot Management to keep your site safe.
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    Shield Fortress will block attacks and bad bots without slowing down your website.
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    We'll teach you how to keep your website secure and give you useful advice.
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    After we're done, we'll check in to make sure your website stays well-protected.

Common Use-cases

  • Optimization of WAF and Rate Limiting following best pratices.
  • Stop scraping bots to get the your data.
  • Block traffic based on diferent patterns like locations, teams, IP,...
  • Implementation of security due Cybersecurity insurance requirement.
  • Implementation and fine tunning of the security due recent breach or security incident


Starting at

from $500/month


Watchtower is a service that keeps a close eye on your website's health and security. We'll use Cloudflare's logs to monitor your site 24/7. If there are any errors or security issues, we'll let you know right away and help you fix them.

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    Our team will set up Cloudflare's logs to track everything happening on your website.
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    We'll create alerts to notify you if there are any errors or problems with your site.
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    Watchtower will also watch for any security threats and let you know if your site is under attack.
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    If there's a security problem, we'll help you fix it quickly to keep your site safe.
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    We'll give you regular reports on your website's health and security, so you're always in the know.

Common Use-Cases

  • Automate the security in Cloudflare.
  • Understand what attacks are being launched and blocked by Cloudflare.
  • Reduce the alert fatigue just getting what is important for you.
  • Off load work from your secuity team letting them handle more important tasks.


from $699/month

What you get